I'm terrible at introductions and new beginnings. I never know how to introduce myself... Like when you start a new journal, do you introduce yourself to this inatamet object; "Hello, my name is So and So. I'm twenty years old and GUESS WHAT! My life is a mess!" Or do you just go into things without any idea of who you are? "OMG! You'll never believe what happened tonight! My best friend's cat was hit by a car and killed!!!" (Yes, I did start one of my journals that way. But that journal pretty much helped me survive middle school, so don't judge.)
So... I suppose I'll introduce myself a bit. You can call me Lakia, which is Sanskrit for "Born on a Thursday". And yes, I really was born on a Thursday. Thursday also happens to be my favorite day of the week. In the past I've had a lot of amazing things happen to be on Thursdays, so I guess you can say that Thursday is my "lucky day".
To sum up everything that inspired this blog; I'm starting yoga. Tomorrow.
Why yoga?
Well I jumped on the "Eat Pray Love" bandwagon. I saw the movie (which I actually didn't want to see at first because I thought it looked dumb) and I fell in love with EVERYTHING about it.
This is all an extremely long story, but to put it bluntly; my life is a mess. Not a horrible mess, but a "I'm a year out of college and I still don't know what I'm doing with my life" kind of a mess. Nothing that's life threatening, but enough to make me unbelievably stressed that I get a few mental breakdowns a month.
So when I saw "Eat Pray Love", needless to say I was inspired. That night, I went home and I bought the book of "Eat Pray Love" (which is a THOUSAND times better than the movie, for those who haven't read it yet). While I was reading, I made a plan. A plan to find myself again, to be HAPPY again. Not to fix all my problems all at once, but to fix the biggest problem in my life. To be HAPPY again.
And how am I doing that?
That's a tricky question... because there are a lot of things I need to do.
The biggest thing I need to do in to pray again, to become close to God again. Due to issues I don't want to discuss here, I tore myself away from God for a long time. About four years, to be exact. To some, four years might not sound like a long time. But to someone who was so close to God, then to one day literally have something you believe in for so long get taken away from you... Four years is a very, very long time. So I've started praying again, meditating again, and slowly learning to trust God again. It's extremely hard, but I know it's something I need to do for myself.
The second thing I need to do, which is the whole point of this blog, is to do yoga.
Honestly, I never thought I would ever do yoga ever in my life. I always saw it as this weird, sexual, show off how flexible you are exercise that artistic people in New York City did. Ignorant? Yes. But hey, I'm only 20 years old and I'm allowed to be a bit "dumb" to the world still.
So this is where "Eat Pray Love" comes in. She talks about yoga, mediation, being closer to God. And that's when my heart began to melt. Just the idea of doing something that relaxes you, strengths you (both mentally and physically), and can bring you closer to God (if that's what you choose to do)... It just blew my mind.
I signed up for classes immediately. I started researching local studios that offered beginners classes, because this girl isn't flexible in the least bit (my boyfriend can testify to that- he was VERY excited when I told him I was starting yoga. The first thing he said was "You'll be more flexible, excellent!" ... Thanks, babe.) so I wasn't about to start a class where you start off balancing on your head or doing a split.. I can barely touch my toes, for crying out loud.
So tomorrow I start my first yoga class. I'll admit, I'm nervous... I still haven't bought my mat yet (hellooooo Walmart) and I have a chaotic schedule for tomorrow anyways. But, we'll see how it goes...
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